SEARCH SAPPHIRE Results Presented at 25th International AIDS Conference
Dr. Elijah Kakande (left) presenting results form the Extension of SEARCH SAPPHIRE Phase A Dynamic Choice Prevention Study; Drs. James...

SEARCH Severe Hypertension Telehealth Study Highlighted at CROI 2024
At the 31th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2024), Dr. Matt Hickey (pictured above) of the University of...

Highly Anticipated First Results of SEARCH SAPPHIRE “Dynamic Choice” intervention presented at CROI 2024
At the 31th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2024), SEARCH researchers, Professor Moses Kamya (pictured...

At the 30th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2023), SEARCH researchers, including, Dr. Catherine Koss of ...

SEARCH SAPPHIRE Phase A Enrollment Completion
The SEARCH SAPPHIRE team is excited to announce that Phase A has now reached full enrollment! Over 2,000 Uganda and Kenya community ...

SEARCH in Nature Africa: Promising Programme for Preventative HIV Treatment
SEARCH was recently featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Africa's April issue, entitled, "Promising Programme for Preventative HIV...